You can´t speak of Colombia without talking about the impressive Andean mountains that run right through the middle of the country. It is where most Colombians live, and it consists of three cordilleras which all three stretch from south to north.
Thanks to this specific topography and the diverse altitudes, different ecosystems are created which resulted in an incredible variety of flora and fauna and according activities.
You can find snow-capped mountains and volcanoes on the highest level (Nevada-level) and the unique but deserted paramos with their characteristic frailejones right under it (as from 3000 m.a.s.l).
Below this you will find an eco-system that is called Cool Land (Tierra Fria) and where most people live as the temperatures are stable and the fields are fertile. It is also where Bogotá is located and the most socially and economically developed region.
The lower you go, the warmer it will become, and you will get to areas full of tropical forests and coffee plantations. The lowest level is obviously the hottest level and it is where you can even observe deserts.